Who wants to experiment?

In quality and quantity of hallucinations, it's Clorox over Redi-Whip, 4 to 1!

"After ten years, six husbands, and millions of dollars in life insurance pay-offs, Wendy and the Magic Clorox Bottle shared a private laugh at how easy it had all been."

"See, honey? I told you. One swig of me, and you'll see all types of crazy shit...."

"Listen, honey, I'm tellin' ya it's the right thing to do. Pour a big slug of me in that bastard's vodka bottle; he'll never know what hit him. Then you and I will PARRR-TAAAAYY!!"

"Ah, yes, you have reported in time to your master. Now, I want you to drink me and see all the colors to your left there in 5 minutes or I'll make sure the clothes arent the only thing that get clean around here."

It was the love that dare not speak its name: Cartoon Lesbian Bleach Love; and Sharon was in, head over ink-stained measuring cup.

"Don't worry Laura, I can remove those semen stains that BOB left on your dress without a problem!"

When the bottle starts to talk back to you, it's time to stop drinking

"I always knew that bleach fumes would put a gal into la-la land!"

"'Ancient Chinese secret'?! You believed that crap? Look, the only thing 'Chinese' about that laundry is the hookers he lets wear your clothes!"

And to think, I never even knew that a bottle of bleach could HAVE "sweet booty", let alone "shake it like her momma taught her".

"You know, Clorox, I think we've got a lot in common. A lot of people call *me* a bleach, too!" "That's great Tammy, but I think the word is 'beeeee-atch'! Those aren't your friends!"

Help Wanted
Durn smoochers need not apply.