Whatta ya mean nothing bigger than my elbow?

Beatlemania to the extreme: A father shaves his son's head and then Crazy Glues a "George" wig on it!

Dr. Spock, tired of six decades of miserable brats, began using pepper spray shortly before his tragic death.

Stooge excorcisms are never a pretty sight...

The kid is in for a shock when he realized that the doctor, who is also a Jedi Knight, reached for his Lightsaber instead of the ear thermometer.

"So you think it's funny when you duct tape M-80's to frogs and blow 'em up, huh? Let's see how you like it when it's done to you!"

Stop Squirming! I'm just going to break your neck.

New, from the makers of Silly String and the Happy Fun Ball -- "I Got Your Nose In A Can!" Fun for the whole family!

Look, either we do it this way or you can drop your panties. And we'll take it that way. What shall it be, young man ?

Little Billy never liked it when his dad made him do the magic trick where he pulled several feet of handkerchiefs out of his ear.

"Dammit son, you WILL enjoy the pleasures of good old American pornography if I have to shove it down your throat!"

"No Dad.. not the Flowbee again! I'll be good! I promise!!"

Young Vincent VanGough, with help from an area barber and the use of an electric stapler, was able to lead a productive life.

*Rubber Chicken Pops are meant to be taken orally ONLY*