Just to get along today
Our subject isn't cool

The young Robert Fripp as he composes "21st Century Schizoid Man".

In the most shocking abuse of animals, Avon labs subjected this dog to Charlie Sheen singing "Open Arms" to see if he'd willingly ingest nail polish remover.

A young Backstreet Boy practices for his future career: *strum, strum* "Hi, welcome to McDonalds. Can I take your order?"

Billy could play rock, country, jazz, and folk music, but deep down, he wanted to be doing that new-fangled industrial rock Marilyn Manson was into.

Dog: No No!! It's A, G then A again. Man. if you ever get this right, I'll stop humping your shin.

Alas, Timmy played "Me and You and a Dog Named Blue" one too many times, and Spot was forced to rip out his throat to end the pain.

As Melvis launches into a psychadelic rave-up version of "Greensleeves", Baxter barks for another encore of the "Chuck Wagon" song.

Plays a guitar just like ringin' a bell - loud, obnoxious, and that same friggin' note over and over...

NEW from SNL records: Pat sings all your old favorites! Includes such classic goodies as "Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog", "My Dog Has Fleas" and "A Boy Named Sue". Call Now!! Operators are standing by!

Twinkle twinkle little geek / How I wonder why you seek / To play with strings that are so frayed / When even THAT won't get you laid.

"*Woof* No, no! Use a G augmented in place of that C half-diminished 7th. That way it'll make your root movement much easier. *Woof*" "Fido, you're a tougher teacher then CaveDweller!"

Buddy Holly Jr. starts a new career with a cover of Soundgarden's "Jerry Garcia's Finger"

But he fakes it anyway