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Monday, Feb. 18, 2002
“My college years were plentiful with fun and new experiences. When I recall people from that time I always think of my European History professor, Mr. Carmel.

‘Hartwig,’ he once told me—he always called me Hartwig—‘Hartwig, history is written by the winners. There are a thousand untold stories from history that have been revised and edited by generations after. People who did not feel the truth was in the best interest of society. We must never forget that.’

He would take a puff off his pipe and continue, ‘There are inventions we have lost to the ravages of time because those who inherited them could not see the value, lacking the vision of those who created them. Diseases could have been cured, populations fed and clothed and sheltered, suffering that existed only because those who won the day were strong in might only, not in compassion or wisdom. Cultures have been destroyed, entire races of people who perhaps could have contributed to a better world. Annihilated simply by those who could kill and destroy. Though we may try to forget, we are descended from those people. The murderers, not the creators.’

Actually, I think that’s incorrect. Mr. Carmel was a candy bar I used to eat a lot in college. I don’t remember who said that about history. Maybe it was my Latin professor, talking about Latin. I’m not sure. I might have to get back to you on this one.”


1988: Red Bagel's screenplay based on the cover up of the Challenger disaster is rejected for production and accused of being plagiarized from Tootsie.

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Rib Sandwich. Tasty barbecue rib sandwich, no experience required, must be available noon today. If position works out, could invite you back every week and some weekends. Please contact Ned Nedmiller at the commune.
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Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is likely to piss off her dad big-time.


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