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President Bush Calls for A “Paranoid, Trigger-Happy America”

President Bush: Friggin' losing it
“Caution is our enemy,” states President. the commune's Ivan Nacutchacokov takes us into the belly of the beast.
read all about it >>

Interview: Harlem Globetrotters: Unphased
Little Kids Respond: Bush vs. Nirvana

FBI Uncovers Several Other Targets Among Terrorist Documents  “It’s crazy. Crazy!” shouted Regis Philbin, upon being told he was a potential target.
American Afghans Apprehended, Interred In Camps  Controversial concentration pounds activated.
Report: ‘Osama’ Least Popular Name for American Babies  Perennial unfavorte 'Hitler' loses ground.


Giving You The Finger with Rok Finger: I Have Just Seen American Booty
Good people, it is not very often a movie can make you feel good to be alive, and can make you feel, after all, maybe the world is not a heaping pile of dung.

Where the aliens took me and what they did to Rok Finger’s anus are anyone’s guess, but no other scenario explains the blinding light, lost time, and the clearly disoriented witnesses...

Sampson L. Hartwig Remembers
Uncle Trey had a dog that we all liked a lot, a dog by the name of Darby. He was a small white dog with wiry hair, I think he was a Jack Russell terrier.

Me Chinese with Ned Nedmiller: Rubber Ain't My Brother
Ned and the Titanic were like peas in a pod, and he entertained the guests and crew day and night with his inflatable pacemaker and a metal box that he claimed to contain Spain.


Clarise Sickhead's Bedtime Stories For Children
Once upon a time, there lived a poor old cobbler who was very sad because he could have no children. He would wander up and down the road kicking puppies into the street gutter and praying to God to give him a child. Any child. Even someone else's child.

Entertainment Police
Thanks for your question Max. You should be able to sleep better at night knowing that of course pigs don’t eat people!

Fanmail from Some Flounders: Letters to the commune
Whoa, I think you totally mis-read us, Greg. Obviously the commune respects everyone in the world and their lifestyle choices, especially homosexuals.

Fortune 500 Cookies
From mammoths to giant ground sloths, they buried caches of precious materials-- radiocarbon, obsidian, jasper, Idaho and Anthony T. Bouldurian, hundreds of miles from the Rosetta Stone.

the commune's Poetry Coroner
There’s a gray hole/in my/soul/where you ripped/out my -/shall we call it a/heart?/Do souls have/hearts?

Sittin' Around the Pickle Barrel with Shorty and Jeeter
You know what they oughta make, Shorty? Marshmallow eyeballs.


Let's Promote Raoul Dunkin!
If you have any more suggestions for promotional titles that might bring Raoul Dunkin back on board the commune, let us know!

the commune's Manifestos of Fun
A trail guide or street weirdo, whatever the hell he was, anyway this guy who kept reaching into his pants named Lansford Hastings had produced a leaflet claming he had found a car-cleaning place that didn't charge extra for getting fried cashews out of your upholstery.

the commune's scratch 'n sniff look at last year's office potluck

Pants a Capitalist

Free Virus Baggies

Take a Kitten, Please

the commune book selections
the commune's Bear in Rearview
the commune's Big Book of Duke
Faces of the commune
the commune 100: Leaders and Revolutionaries
the commune 100: Traitors and Noodledicks

Copyright © 2001 the.commune Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is likely to piss off her dad big-time.

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W a s h i n g t o n
Should We Rebuild the Pentagon?

B e e z w a x
Sale of “Innocent Aryan Babies” Hummel Figurines Soar

F a m i l y
Talking to Your Kids About Existential Dread

L e t t e r s
Our Readers Saw this Whole Thing Coming a Mile Away



Handimaster 3000


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